Make “Scary” Your Teacher

Studies show that we spend only 10% of our time and our energy in the present moment. 40% in the past, thinking what’s happened to us and 50% in the future worrying about what will happen.

So, 90%, of the time, we are missing each moment.

What if we let our expectations and worries die each moment, and then fully wake up and live in each moment?

They say that the biggest fear we all have is the fear of death. Sometimes I wonder if we also fear life itself.

When uncertainty comes we may be scared, instead of seeing the opportunities that the moment brings to us to expand ourselves and our lives.

What if we see that “scary” is our teacher for waking up, and seeking security or perfection is stagnation? By wanting to control our experiences we are killing the moment.

Life sooner or later will give us an experience we can’t control! We may find out we are diagnosed with an illness, we may lose a loved one, or someone can simply spill coffee on our white pants. Yes, any of these

can happen.

Life sometimes is bitter and sometimes sweet. Sometimes it’s joyful, sometimes it’s painful. Yet to be fully alive and fully human is to be continually thrown out of our comfort level, and that is not necessarily a bad thing!

I invite you instead of trying to avoid uneasiness, to lean into it with curiosity and an open heart. Allow these scary moments to develop into compassion for yourself and for everyone else. Become soft and nonjudgmental to the moment. That is where you can discover your source of wisdom and gain confidence.

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